WIELCOOP Training of Trainers' Guide

Inclusion, empowerment and leadership of women in Cooperatives
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What is the WIELCOOP TOT guide?

Developed through NCBA CLUSA’s Creating an Environment for Cooperative Expansion (CECE) project under the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Cooperative Development Program (CDP), the Women’s Inclusion, Empowerment, and Leadership in Cooperatives (WIELCOOP) Training of Trainers (TOT) Guide is designed to advance gender equality in cooperatives and producer organizations (POs) through practical, relevant, and culturally sensitive content and activities.
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How does the WIELCOOP TOT guide work?

The WIELCOOP training guide is quite extensive and takes a modular approach, which can be used in its entirety or partially, depending on the training goals and participants’ needs. Development practitioners can determine which modules, sessions and lessons will be most appropriate for their partners. It starts with an introductory module on facilitation and adult learning to give training facilitators an orientation to the material and reminders on good practices for training facilitation with adult learners. Then, the five main modules include: 1) Cooperatives and Gender Equity, 2) Cooperative Level Gender Analysis Findings and Recommendations, 3) Women’s Leadership and Social Empowerment in Cooperatives, 4) Women’s Economic Empowerment, and 5) Commitment to Gender Equity in Cooperatives.

The five main modules include:

  1. Cooperatives and Gender Equity,
  2. Findings and recommendations from the gender analysis at the cooperative level,
  3. Women’s Leadership and Social Empowerment in Cooperatives,
  4. Women’s Economic Empowerment, and
  5. Commitment to Gender Equity in Cooperatives.
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Much of the WIELCOOP training guide is adapted from the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Leadership Training Manual for Women Leaders of Cooperatives published in 2005. The guide also incorporates material from the International Finance Corporation’s Foundations of Cooperative Management training, Gender-Based Violence (GBV) material from Global Communities’ Gender Equity and Good Governance in Cooperatives: Facilitator Training Guide, as well as other resources from USAID, CARE and IGWG. Additional practical activities and new content including ten videos were developed. As mentioned above, module 2 draws from a gender analysis conducted by NCBA CLUSA in the countries where our CDP project operates (Kenya, Tanzania, Madagascar, Peru, and Guatemala), which serves to identify barriers to women’s equality in cooperatives and other organizations. Unlike other women’s engagement and empowerment training materials, the WIELCOOP guide has participants identify and discuss the main barriers to inclusion and participation of women in these organizations and discuss strategies and actions for advancing gender equality.

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