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Sumérgete en el fascinante mundo de la cosecha y catación de cafés.

Cosecha y catación de cafes

Aprende sobre el proceso de producción del café, desde su cultivo hasta su preparación para la cata.
Certificate of Completion
100% online course
Intermediate  level
Over 3* hours of content
Register to apply
* Based on office hours.

What will you learn?

El proceso de cosecha del café, desde la siembra hasta la recolección.

Diferentes etapas de procesamiento del café y su impacto en el sabor y la calidad.

Las técnicas de catación utilizadas para evaluar atributos como aroma, sabor, acidez, cuerpo y postgusto del café.

Identificar de defectos comunes en el café y cómo reconocer una taza de café de alta calidad.

Course sessions

Sesión 1.

Análisis sensorial de cafés especiales

You will learn:

Identificar una amplia gama de aromas presentes en el café, que pueden variar desde florales hasta frutales, terrosos, especiados, etc.

Sesión 2.

Perfilación de cafés especiales

You will learn:

Desarrollar habilidades para interpretar y describir los aromas presentes en el café, tanto en seco como durante la infusión.

Meet your instructors

Ana Salazar

Catadora de Café
Jefe del área de caliodad de COCLA, con licencia Q Grader, esperta en evaluación sensorial y fisica del café.

Explora las técnicas de catación utilizadas por los expertos para evaluar la calidad del café y descubrirás cómo apreciar y distinguir diferentes perfiles de sabor.

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Asked Questions

Does the course cost anything and how can I pay for it?

The course is completely free of charge and no fee is required. The scholarship is provided by the USDA and USAID to participate in CBS training programs. To obtain a scholarship, simply apply to the scholarship program available.

How can I apply for a Scholarship?

To obtain a scholarship, simply apply to the scholarship program available.

What are the requirements to receive a scholarship?

Generally, to apply for a scholarship, you must complete an application form provided during the registration process or in case you’re already registered in the CBS platform you can click on the “Request classroom access” in every course page, just make sure you’re logged in to see it. To be eligible, you must be registered on the CBS platform.

Are there any restrictions to participate in the course?

In most cases, there are no restrictions, unless the course is geared towards a specialized subject, such as accounting, agriculture, commerce, etc.

How long does the course last?

The Cosecha y catación de cafes course has a duration of 3 hours distributed in   weeks.

How will I access the course material?

The course material will be available for download in the Virtual Classroom. In addition, in the Resources section of the Platform, you will be able to access various resources for reading, consultation and applications.

Will certificates be awarded upon completion of the course?

Certificates will be awarded only to those who have satisfactorily completed all the activities of the modules that make up the course.

What is expected of course participants?

Participants are expected to perform the assigned activities, attend the scheduled sessions to resolve doubts, interact in the discussions or community forums and comply with the established rules of conduct.

What are the scheduled hours of operation?

Scheduled office hours are scheduled times when instructors or tutors will be available to answer questions, receive projects, provide follow-up and offer additional information or new courses to scholarship recipients.

Temporary suspension of the school

The activities of the Co-op Business School have been temporarily suspended in response to a White House Office of Management and Budget memo that directs federal departments and agencies to complete a review of federally-funded programs to ensure compliance with recently issued executive orders

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You must be logged in to submit the form.

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