Inclusión Empoderamiento y Liderazgo de las Mujeres en las Cooperativas
Obtain a certificate upon completion of all course modules on behalf of the Coop Business School of NCBA CLUSA, thanks to the support of USDA and USAID.
Learn at your own pace by managing your time and completing the activities of the different modules by accessing your personal Virtual Classroom profile.
Use of multiple digital tools and channels.
Video lectures, activities and tutorials.
¡La participación de las mujeres en las cooperativas es buena para todos!
La participación activa de las mujeres en las cooperativas, promueve la diversidad de ideas, experiencias y habilidades. Además, las cooperativas donde las mujeres ocupan posiciones de toma de decisiones y liderazgo, tienden a ser más inclusivas y orientadas hacia el bienestar común, lo que conduce a una distribución más equitativa de los beneficios y un mayor impacto en las comunidades locales, contribuyendo al balance social cooperativo.
What will you learn?
Aprenderemos la diferencia entre género y sexo, a identificar los tipos de violencia de género contra la mujer y a entender la equidad e igualdad de género.
Repasaremos los principios y valores cooperativos que nos permitan identificar la misión de las cooperativas, y las limitaciones actuales que enfrentan las mujeres en términos de asociatividad.
Identificaremos las habilidades y cualidades que caracterizan a las mujeres, y cómo su liderazgo puede contribuir a mejorar los programas y servicios.
Desarrollaremos el Plan de equidad de oportunidades para las mujeres en las cooperativas
Course sessions
Meet your instructors
Leonorilda Coc
Se estara emitiendo un Certificado de Reconocimiento a quienes haya completado de manera satisfactoria todas las actividades, y hayan desarrollado y presentado el Plan de Equidad de Oportunidades para las Mujeres en las Cooperativas, de acuerco con el esquema presentado, para implementar en sus cooperativas.
WIELCOOP promueve la igualdad de género en las cooperativas y organizaciones de productores, mediante contenidos y actividades prácticas, relevantes y culturalmente sensibles, se parte del cambio…
Register to applyFrequently
Asked Questions
Does the course cost anything and how can I pay for it?
The course is completely free of charge and no fee is required. The scholarship is provided by the USDA and USAID to participate in CBS training programs. To obtain a scholarship, simply apply to the scholarship program available.
How can I apply for a Scholarship?
To obtain a scholarship, simply apply to the scholarship program available.
What are the requirements to receive a scholarship?
Generally, to apply for a scholarship, you must complete an application form provided during the registration process or in case you’re already registered in the CBS platform you can click on the “Request classroom access” in every course page, just make sure you’re logged in to see it. To be eligible, you must be registered on the CBS platform.
Are there any restrictions to participate in the course?
In most cases, there are no restrictions, unless the course is geared towards a specialized subject, such as accounting, agriculture, commerce, etc.
How long does the course last?
The Inclusión Empoderamiento y Liderazgo de las Mujeres en las Cooperativas course has a duration of 10 hours distributed in weeks.
How will I access the course material?
The course material will be available for download in the Virtual Classroom. In addition, in the Resources section of the Platform, you will be able to access various resources for reading, consultation and applications.
Will certificates be awarded upon completion of the course?
Certificates will be awarded only to those who have satisfactorily completed all the activities of the modules that make up the course.
What is expected of course participants?
Participants are expected to perform the assigned activities, attend the scheduled sessions to resolve doubts, interact in the discussions or community forums and comply with the established rules of conduct.
What are the scheduled hours of operation?
Scheduled office hours are scheduled times when instructors or tutors will be available to answer questions, receive projects, provide follow-up and offer additional information or new courses to scholarship recipients.