Contenido digital para mejorar tus ventas

Hosted by NCBA CLUSA
May 17th, 2023
Presentation not available


¡Desbloquea el poder de tu contenido y maximiza tus ventas en línea! 🤩

👉Aprenderás cómo utilizar el poder de las imágenes, videos para transmitir mensajes impactantes y aumentar la participación de tu audiencia además de estrategias de storytelling que conecten emocionalmente con tu público y los impulsen a realizar una compra.

This event is brought to you by the Coop Business School in collaboration with

Producers Trust

Producers Trust is dedicated to driving sustainable transformation. They provide advisory services to business and government clients to improve their agricultural and food systems for the future. Their tools capture and manage farmers’ sustainability data throughout the life cycle of a product.

Producers Trust stands as a leading global network of agriculture producer groups. They develop Regenerative Landscape programs to connect markets, finance, and data across multiple stakeholders to support scaled transitions of farmers to better outcomes.

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Contenido digital para mejorar tus ventas

Hosted by NCBA CLUSA
May 17th, 2023
15:00 hrs.
Presentation not available
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Contenido digital para mejorar tus ventas

May 17th, 2023
15:00 hrs.

Temporary suspension of the school

The activities of the Co-op Business School have been temporarily suspended in response to a White House Office of Management and Budget memo that directs federal departments and agencies to complete a review of federally-funded programs to ensure compliance with recently issued executive orders

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